First, a question:  Is it true that, until refrigeration and Advil were invented, the human body was incapable of properly healing?  If the answer to that question is ‘no’, then why are ice and NSAID’s ‘recommended’ as treatment for sprains and other injuries?  Better put, in light of their demonstrated ability to IMPAIR connective tissue healing, why are these things recommended?  The answer is, there is no good, scientific reason at all.  There is, however, a good, scientific reason to avoid both.  So, how should an injury be treated?  First, assume that your body was designed to heal, and for the most part, stay out of the way.  The only really helpful thing, other than elevation and pain control as necessary with something OTHER THAN an anti-inflammatory drug, is heat.  As soon as bleeding stops, in the case of a sprain (half an hour or so), using heat, along with elevation and mild compression (ace wrap), will be the best treatment for a sprain.  Continue heating 30 minutes several times a day until pain resolves.  All healing processes are ‘chemical reactions’.  These reactions are speeded up by heating the area.  Blood flow is increased, oxygen comes in, waste products are removed, and metabolic activity is overall increased—all of which helps healing.  A LARGE number of amateur and professional athletes, introduced to this strategy, have found that they get significantly faster healing, and more complete healing, of their injury than the ‘old’ way of RICE.   Do not take my word for it.  Try it and see.